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오늘도 Kathy 선생님과 10분동안은 일상생활 이야기를 나눴는데 보디 랭귀지로 표현했더니 “ He was jumping up and down”이라고 알려 주시네요. 한주를 쉬고 이어 가려니 더욱 힘들었나 봐요.ㅎㅎㅎ 우리나라에서도 유명한 "프#####"를 예를 들어주더라구요. 아무튼 저도 다른 분들 처럼 조금 더 나은 영어 수준이 되었으면 하는 바램 뿐입니다. ================ ====== ======================== Today, I talked to Kathy about my life for 10 minutes Because I had a terrible stomachache, so it was really hard to keep talking to the teacher. but I can not tell my teacher on that, so I used body language to describe it. Kathy said as "He was jumping up and down”. I've been eating it for a while. Anyway, I wish I could be better at English like everyone else. |