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아미고 2009.04.24/01:36:22 수정 삭제
가장 많은 칭찬을 받으신 선생님은 이달의 최우수 강사로 선정됩니다.^^ 꼭 반영하겠습니다.*^^*
Tony 2009.04.24/09:59:40 수정 삭제
I hope your english skill is improved so much at amigo.
Good luck!
jess 2009.04.24/22:07:50 수정 삭제
l think too.my teacher is gaye too~~!! l think too she is very good teacher.
Sun 2009.04.25/00:47:28 수정 삭제
I can feel how much you are excited via the lesson. but for the people who is reading your comment and trying to study in here, why didn\'t you write more specific with more efforts?
Joe 2009.04.25/01:28:51 수정 삭제
Sun ~ Actually this writing is moved here from freeboard by manager of Amigo. And maybe that\'s the reason that this writing looks less careful for you than other people\'s it. So if you want to find some detailed writing about evaluation of Amigo, you can find the other one that I wrote. Actually it is selected as a best writing of this board and I just guess that\'s the proper way of writing that you asked me. Got it? Enjoy your day to the fullest. ^^
Sun 2009.04.26/01:16:54 수정 삭제
I never meant to make you flare up. I thought you are uplaoding this on here. and this kind of ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎthing makes me a little bit annoyed. but I got it.