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Joana 2021.07.05/06:00:39

That is a very touching comment. Thank you for appreciating my effort in teaching your child. Mika deserved to be appreciated too because he works hard to learn. Thank you very much for your kind words ma'am. I will never forget this. Everytime I receive a message like this, it makes me feel emotional and want to cry. Thank you again. Let's have fun in our next classes.

Teacher Joana
관리자 2021.07.09/15:24:02
안녕하세요 회원님 :) 수강후기 정말 감사합니다 .
감사한 마음에 적립금 10,000원을 지급해드렸습니다 :-)

감사합니다 좋은하루되세요 !