로그인을 하시면 댓글을 작성할 수 있습니다.

Wonjin 2014.07.07/16:49:28
A: I will go to the hospital due to bad condition.
B: Really? You were very tired. Are you still bad?
C: I will be okay after sleeping for a few hours and visiting the hospital.
Yoo 2014.07.07/22:13:34
A: I don't feel well. So I gotta go hospital.
B: Really? You must be tired. Is it bad?
C: Few hours of sleep and hospital will help me out
아미고 2014.07.08/11:50:50
Wonjin님 Yoo님도 정말 너무 완벽하게 잘하셨습니다!!^^
제가 쓰는 것은 참고만 하시면 좋을 것 같아요ㅎ

A:I'm feeling sick so I'm going to the hospital.
B:Really? You must have been tired.
C:I'll sleep it off and visit the hospital.
아미고 2014.07.08/11:51:56
걱정해줘서 고마워~~까지 가보죠~~
이런 대화가 오고 갔을 때 "걱정해줘서 고마워"도 영작 해보세요~~^^
Wonjin 2014.07.14/23:32:22
Thank you for your concern.
아미고 2014.07.15/12:15:05
역시~~아미고톡 학생분들의 영어실력은 훌륭합니다^^
Thanks for being concerned ~이렇게 해도 되겠죠~~ㅎ